Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Writing part of Graphic Design Final

                            The biggest challenges regarding the creation of this 3d modeling project, were not being able to delete or undo a move. Because of that, I ended up having to spend allot of time re-modeling and re-shaping my creature to make it look the way I was intending before I made an error or tried something that didn't quite look right. Another challenge was the slowness of the software over certain periods of time. That caused me to be less productive, which was very inconvenient for me considering my early departure from CO, Springs. I also should have taken less time trying to perfect the alligator's facial details because I still have allot of work to do on its' body, and that is definitely something I would try to change next time. I think I did very well at detailing my creature with fine lines, indents, creases, bumps, scales, and in proportions. Personally, because I know the amount of effort and time I put into making this creature I would give myself a high B to a low A. I worked through each period and also came in after school to make more progress, but with technical difficulties as well as having a perfectionistic tendency with projects I feel I understand,  I don't know if I will be able to finish. So from that aspect, if it is unfinished I would give this project  from a middle to high C. 

                            My favorite project this year, even with all the technical difficulties, would have to be this sculptress project. I love art and am a very detailed person, especially when it comes to the stuff i create or work on. So even though I took a little bit too much time to detail the face i really enjoyed doing it, as well as watching my creature begin to look more and more real/ proportioned correctly. My least favorite project was probably the logo stencil project. I didn't quite understand the pen tool and concept of the project at first, so I became frustrated with my work because I didn't really like how it turned out, but even then, that project wasn't so bad. Overall,  I really enjoyed this class because of the hands-on learning and different ways we learned and applied our new knowledge/skills (for instance the spray painting, bleaching, and also working in different programs).  

             Mr.Brandt, thank you for your time and effort put into this class as well as patience with all of my questions. I hope you have a great summer.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bronco Stencil(spray paint)

This stencil is symbolic of the year that the raiders fans threw objects at our bronco players. I used batteries because that was the object primarily thrown at the bronco players. The broncos had won previously and the raiders fans showed very bad sportsmanship. No matter who wins, there should always be mutual respect among teams and the team's fans. In my opinion, they showed very poor sportsmanship, and it was very unfair, and disrespectful for them to throw batteries and other objects at another teams players when playing against there favored team.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Self portrait

This is the first Graphic Design Project consisting of 10-15 objects that are in my field of interest.